An in Depth Look at Our HVAC Automation Services


Chad Compton, Automation Graphics Engineer, at BEST is part of a team that sets us apart! Between him and Reliable Controls, we have all the tools to provide our Automation customers with the ease, energy savings and peace of mind they are looking for in Building Automation.

The graphics shown in the blog are examples of what a building manager would see on his device while managing the Automation. Building Automation’s highest added value to a building owner include:

  • Monitoring
  • Manipulation
  • Increased energy efficiency
  • All your information  in one spot
  • Browser based controlled interface
  • Scheduling temperature changes

Automation can be managed on any web-based browser. By pulling these the graphics up, a building manager can manipulate  building conditions, indoor air quality (IAQ) conditions, space temperature, HVAC equipment alarms (if something malfunctions), drag and drop temperature scheduling for individual units and many others! Most of our Automation is retrofitting, but new builds are great too!

Other companies that have trusted BEST with their Automation include: The Kent State University Hotel and Conference Center, Buckeye Local School District, Goodwill of Greater Akron and Proforma

Here are some examples of what Proforma is monitoring using their Automation:  auxiliary, generator transfer switch and all incoming power. BEST is monitoring their building energy consumption for them and trying to manipulate HVAC temp and patterns to increase energy efficiency and save money. A service offered to clients who only have BEST install their automation!

According to, Advanced Sensors and Controls for Building Applications: Market Assessment and Potential R&D Pathways, Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, “Building-wide Automated fault detection and diagnostics (AFFD)/continuous commissioning should achieve peak demand reductions similar to those of continual commissioning, i.e., roughly 5% to 15%.” 

We don’t have to do your HVAC to do your Automation, so call us today for a quote! 330-752-6239

For more information, please check out the automation page of our website: